What Happens in the Closure Phase?

What Happens in the Closure Phase?
Photo by Heather McKean / Unsplash

So, once your sandcastle is built and decorated, you might do a few things. You could take a step back and admire it, take pictures to remember how great it looked, and show it to your friends or parents. You should also clean up all your buckets and shovels and talk with your friends about what you want to do differently next time you build a sandcastle.

In project management, this is similar to the closure or closing phase. Once all the work on the project is done, you don't just walk away. You take some time to review what happened.

You might check if the project went as planned or if there were things that could have gone better. It would be best if you wrote notes about what you learned so you can do even better on your next project. You'll also thank everyone who helped and make sure they know the project is complete.

And finally, you'll clean up! Just like putting away your sandcastle tools, in a project, you might organize documents, close any contracts, and ensure everything is tidy for the next project.

So, in the closing phase, we look back, learn, say thanks, and tidy up. And then you're all set for your next sandcastle... or project!